my fairy tale come true

Monday, 23 September 2013

12 weeks old

Our little man is now 12 weeks old and already wearing clothes that are size 6 months.  I'm truly shocked that the weeks have flown by so quickly.  Yesterday we set up the jumperoo and he has enjoyed sitting in it for a few minutes at a time.  Placing a thick book underneath gives him the chance to put his feet down as he is just a little short yet.  I remember when we started putting Kennedy in the jumperoo, we needed to put a small plastic box under it as she was (and is) so short.

Lawson is starting to coo at us and has such a handsome smile as you talk and sing to him.  He follows you around with his eyes, and loves to be sitting up, with support. 

Nights are getting so much better too!  He's an easy baby to put to sleep now (you watch, I'll jinx myself saying this) and when he's up in the night, it's for a quick feed, then back to bed.

We are so lucky!  We have another happy, healthy baby!

Monday, 16 September 2013

Our handsome boy

Long overdue to show off a few pictures of our handsome boy.
 Only a few minutes old
 Relaxing at the cottage
Snuggles with mommy

Happy boy

Sibling love

2 months old

Family :)

Kennedy's first day of Preschool

Such a strong boy

Planting Lawson's Tree


Monday, 9 September 2013

10 weeks old!

My baby boy is growing so fast.  At just over ten weeks, we had our first set of shots today and he weighed in at a whooping 14lbs 7oz.  He's growing and changing so fast.  I keep going through his drawers and taking the clothes out that he no longer fits into and replacing them with much bigger clothing.  It was a sad day last week when I opened our first package of size two diapers.  This past weekend, I also did the big switch, and moved him into his own room in his crib :(  A sad night for mommy as daddy was on nights.  But poor little Lawson was just getting TOO big for his bassinet and was kicking and hitting the sides, waking himself up.  I remember Kennedy was 15 weeks before we moved her. 

All of these little milestones he's reaching are so exciting to watch, but it really does make me feel a bit sad that he's changing so quickly.  He has such great head control and enjoys sitting in his bumbo chair already!  What a great invention that chair is. 

Kennedy is in love with Lawson and is starting to tell me what to do.  "Mommy, Lawson wants some milk" is a common phrase I hear if he starts to fuss.  She smothers him in kisses and gives him his soother when he cries (and is working on doing so gently).  She puts toys in his face for him to see and sings him songs.  It's amazing to watch.

Last week, Kennedy started her first day at preschool and today is our first dance class.

Tomorrow, we'll be packing them up for university. 
Slow down time!