my fairy tale come true

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

10 months old

My baby girl.

Today marks ten months since we first saw your beautiful face and held you in our arms.  What an amazing ten months it has been.  I have enjoyed every day being your mom.

You are such a happy little girl.  Your laugh in contagious and we can really get you going when we play peek-a-boo with you.  You love to be surprised by us jumping from behind the couch, a wall, or the counter.  Sometimes when new people are around, it takes you a few minutes to warm up and show your pretty little smile, but we haven't had you make strange yet. 

You now have four teeth.  Your two bottom middle teeth have been there for quite some time now.  You also have your top middle tooth and the one to the right of it. We try to peek in your mouth to see if any others are coming, but you're not too keen on us poking around in there.  You have bit our fingers a couple of times and those little teeth are sharp!

You are starting to become a bit more interested in food, but you'd much rather nurse!  After a few spoonfuls of food, you are quick to hit the spoon away - your way of saying enough!  You pick up some food off your tray, but only a little makes it to your mouth.  Unless it's cheerios or mum mums.  You'd eat those all day long.

Sleeping is getting so much better!  You are down to a morning nap and an afternoon nap.  Sometimes lasting up to an hour a half each.  Bedtime is usually around 8 or 8:30 and you sleep for about 12 hours at night (but do get up quickly to eat).  Daddy and I always go into your room before we go to bed at night to say one last good night to you.  You love to sleep on your tummy and usually have 4 or 5 soothers in your crib with you for when you fall asleep.

You're now pulling yourself up on everything (and love to pull all the books off the bookshelf).  At 9 months and 3 weeks, you officially started doing a "real crawl" but still prefer to scootch along the ground to get where you want to go. 

Last week we started swimming lessons again.  You absolutely love the pool now!  Last week you were splashing so much, you got my face and hair soaking wet!  You don't mind going underwater at all, and of course - you still love your time in the tub.

We go on lots of walks around the neighbourhood.  You sit in your stroller so quietly watching as things pass by. You are quite an observer.  Recently we've been walking indoors on the track since the weather has been cooler.

You are babbling a lot, brushing your fingers over your lips and you say mumm mummm mumm a lot.  You've started saying "da", but not as often as you say mummmm.  When daddy comes home from work, we meet him at the door and you greet him with a big smile, while you flap your arms and kick your feet in excitement.  We send daddy lots of pictures and videos when he is at work. 

You're doing so many fun and exciting things.  I can't believe how much time has passed so far!  I'm dreading going back to work in the middle of March, but know that you will be in good hands and have lots of fun playing with all of the other kids!

Happy 10 month Birthday Baby girl!  We love you!

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