my fairy tale come true

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

I sit here writing this blog, drinking a glass of wine in celebration of making it our first year in Parenthood.  We made it!  Now - how many more years of sleepless nights??? :)  All worth it!

We had a great day today celebrating our baby's first birthday.

It was a "Look Whooo's Turning One" themed party, so there was lots of pink, green, and little hooters (aka owls).  For missing her morning nap, I think that we had a pretty happy birthday girl. 

Of course, when it comes to special occasions in our family --- the camera comes out to capture all the precious moments.  Here are a few of the 312 pictures that were taken at her little party..

Kennedy, Grandpa, and Jack
Digging in
Kennedy's First Birthday Cake (and no, I don't take credit for making it)

Mommy and the Birthday Girl

Blowing kisses during the picture

Some of the food/decorations

Cousins (Easton 1 year 1 week old, Jack 3 years 12 days old, Kennedy 1 year old --- we celebrated three birthdays in three weekends this year!)

Home from the party

Friday, 30 March 2012

364 Days

          It has been 364 days since we met you and held you in our arms for the first time. What a wonderful 364 days it has been.  Tomorrow is the big birthday and I am up late, preparing for your birthday party and reminiscing about the past year. 
          I think back to a year ago today, as we patiently waited for contractions to pick up after they started to induce me.  Your dad and I were so excited, and both nervous as we came home from the hospital to wait it out at our house.  I don't think either of us got much sleep last night.
          I think to the first few minutes after you were born and we looked you over and held you tight.  It was so exciting to finally see your beautiful face and to share with everyone that you had finally arrived.
          I think to the first few weeks and months, and the hours we spent bouncing on the ball at night to get you to sleep.  I am amazed at how easily you go down now.  At times, when you cuddle in and lay your head my shoulder, I just want to hold you tight and not put you down at all.
          I think to your many firsts.  First time sitting, first foods, first time in the ocean, first Christmas, first time clapping... Each and everytime, your daddy and I feel so proud of you.  We love you so much. 
          When I think back to the past year - I can't help but smile and think about how fortunate we are to have a beautiful, happy, healthy baby girl.  Although you are growing bigger each day, you will always be our baby girl. 
           We love you Kennedy, and we wish you a Happy Birthday tomorrow.  Your daddy and I look forward to celebrating years and years of birthdays with you!  You are the best gift we could have ever asked for!
          Love you K :) 


Saturday, 24 March 2012

A busy week

It's been a busy week at our house this week.  Mama is exhausted!

It started off with my first week back to work.  We all survived.  The little lady is still adjusting and is happy to see me at the end of the day when I pick her up.  She had 1 1/2 daddy-daughter days this week which was nice for the two of them.  A "back to work" blog post will be added soon, as it's a whole post in itself.

Our little lady has a new favourite game, and that is peek-a-boo.  She's always been interested in the "traditional" version of this game that we all know and love, but lately she has made her own modifications to the game.  It started with her pulling a shirt or blanket up over her head and then pulling it down as we would yell "peek-a-boo" like the crazy parents that we are.  But then our little lady found an even quicker way to play.  Instead of putting anything over her face, she just turns her head away from us, then whips her head back to look for our reaction and smiles.  Her head whips back and forth so quickly that I"m afraid she'll end up with whip lash.  But it's soooo darn cute. She hams it up as we laugh and tell her to do it again!

This morning we headed off to have a ONE year photoshoot (as she will be turning one in just seven days!!!).  It was a great shoot and we came home with some beautiful pictures (and yes, of course, I will post some of those too!)  After an afternoon nap, it was off to celebrate Kennedy's cousin's first birthday party.  After playing, presents, and a nice dinner, Kennedy decided to take her very first steps!  I was so happy that it didn't happen while we were at work and we were there to witness it :) 

Now only seven more days until we are celebrating 365 days with our baby girl!

Friday, 16 March 2012


Everyday I think that I have finally baby-proofed the house....

                                                                                ....she continues to amaze me. 

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Down to 6 days

I'm down to six more days of my maternity leave before I go back to work.  Ugh.  Although I love my job, I am very sad to be leaving my little lady for a large chunk of the day, five days a week.  I know she's going to be in great hands and will have lots of fun with all of the other kids (and her dad on her daddy days), but I will miss her terribly.

I'm trying not to dwell on all of my sad thoughts and think about the positive things about the upcoming transition.  There are positives, I know.  But I'm still a little anxious about it all. 

She will be fine.  She will have fun.  She will be SO excited to see me when I pick her up (right?).  She will nap well.  She will eat well.  She will play.  She will explore.  She will grow.  She will be exposed to new things.  She will interact with others.  She will be okay. 

So will mommy. 

Friday, 9 March 2012

Can we go back?

We had an amazing week filled with sun, food, naps, swims, animals, and waving. 

Although we had an early flight (flying out at 6:15am), the babies flew amazingly.  We landed and were all shocked at how smoothly the whole thing went.  We arrived at our resort and it took us a day or two to figure the place out and get our bearings as it was fairly big in size with plenty of beautiful paths to walk on, which were surrounded by lush gardens and tress. 

What a great feeling to wake up each morning and our biggest concern was which bathing suit to put on K for the day!  Meals were prepared, beds were made for us, and all we had to do was spend time with our little family and good friends.  Life couldn't get better. 

Kennedy made us all lots of friends as she waving to absolutely everyone at the resort.  She was a happy, happy girl and always had a smile and a wave for the strangers that passed or stopped to smile and wave back at her.  We joke that someday soon we will have to teach her about stranger danger.

For only being away for a week, I did pretty good to limit myself to 537 pictures taken on my camera.  Although I'd love to share them all, I won't overwhelm you with them all at once.  Here's a couple cute ones from our week or relaxation.

Down by the ocean

                                                                         Playing with daddy
                                                                      Walks with mommy

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Back from vacay

We just got back from our first, out-of-the-country family vacation.  The little lady had a blast (as did mommy and daddy) but now it's back to reality.