my fairy tale come true

Saturday, 24 March 2012

A busy week

It's been a busy week at our house this week.  Mama is exhausted!

It started off with my first week back to work.  We all survived.  The little lady is still adjusting and is happy to see me at the end of the day when I pick her up.  She had 1 1/2 daddy-daughter days this week which was nice for the two of them.  A "back to work" blog post will be added soon, as it's a whole post in itself.

Our little lady has a new favourite game, and that is peek-a-boo.  She's always been interested in the "traditional" version of this game that we all know and love, but lately she has made her own modifications to the game.  It started with her pulling a shirt or blanket up over her head and then pulling it down as we would yell "peek-a-boo" like the crazy parents that we are.  But then our little lady found an even quicker way to play.  Instead of putting anything over her face, she just turns her head away from us, then whips her head back to look for our reaction and smiles.  Her head whips back and forth so quickly that I"m afraid she'll end up with whip lash.  But it's soooo darn cute. She hams it up as we laugh and tell her to do it again!

This morning we headed off to have a ONE year photoshoot (as she will be turning one in just seven days!!!).  It was a great shoot and we came home with some beautiful pictures (and yes, of course, I will post some of those too!)  After an afternoon nap, it was off to celebrate Kennedy's cousin's first birthday party.  After playing, presents, and a nice dinner, Kennedy decided to take her very first steps!  I was so happy that it didn't happen while we were at work and we were there to witness it :) 

Now only seven more days until we are celebrating 365 days with our baby girl!

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