my fairy tale come true

Monday, 16 April 2012

Soak it in

Tonight after supper, I could tell that my little lady was getting tired but it was bath night and she was in need of a bath after running her sloppy fingers through her hair at dinner. 

I drew the water, stripped her down, put her in the tub, and she started splashing around as I scrubbed her clean and we sang.  I knew that a quick rinse would finish it off, so laid her back in the tub to rinse her hair.  It was then that she looked up at me as I sang totally off tune that she smiled and laughed.  I paused in my song to smile back, tickle her bare tummy, and share a giggle with her.  It was then that I realized - why am I rushing?  Yes, she is tired.  Yes it is "bed time", but what harm will it be to spend another five or ten minutes of fun in the tub with mom?  So we splished and we splashed... we giggled and we laughed... and we didn't worry about bed for a few minutes.  We soaked it in. 

Sometimes we need reminders to slow down, and soak it all in.  Tonight I got my reminder --- and it came in the form of a giggle. 

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