my fairy tale come true

Friday, 26 October 2012


I remember a time when I was excited to have Kennedy lay her head on my shoulder and give me a hug.  When the day finally happened we were thrilled to finally feel those tiny arms around our neck - on purpose.  Recently, we have been over the moon excited with her newest melt-your-heart comment.  She's saying her very own version of "I love you".  As adorable as it is, she is missing the most important word (the love word) but she oh-so-cutely says "I.... Youuuuuuu".  We know what she's trying to say and get all giddy each time she does it.

The words are pouring out of her and she has started to say two at a time.  "Up please" is a common one we hear.  She is also obsessed with her babies right now.  She carries them all over the house and makes sure that if we go up or downstairs, the babies come too.  She pushes them in her baby stroller (best $8 Walmart purchase), rocks them as she walks around, and makes sure that everyone shushes when they are sleeping in their crib. 

She also loves our babysitter's youngest daughter.  Every time we get into the car to go anywhere, she says her name with hopes that she is going to the babysitter to see her.  When I drop her off in the morning, it's a quick kiss and off she goes to see her little friends.  I love that she is so happy going there when we are working. 

At almost 19 months, we have all kinds of firsts happening each day.  Today, it was our first code brown in the tub.  Although not the cutest moment, we still have a good laugh. 

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahahahahaha. oh Kennedy.

    [excited to hear about all of the firsts - some that Eli hasn't had yet!]

    I hope all is well and good!
