my fairy tale come true

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

A new year

The holidays are over and we are enjoying our family time together before I go back to work on Tuesday.  Our little lady is not so little anymore - 21 months old now!  She has so many new words, it amazes me to watch her play each day and actually hold conversations with her!
I'm afraid that I'll forget some of the cute moments or her favourite things, so of course, it's always best to write them down and lock them in the "memory bank" of the internet for future reference!
  • looking out the window and seeing "nooo" (aka snow) like she didn't see it the day before
  • pushing her babies around in the stroller, putting blankets on them, and giving them "ee-cees" (aka their soother)
  • eating her milk and cereal in the morning with her spoon and then drinking the milk from the bowl
  • wearing her hair in a full ponytail
  • being obsessed with daddy's bellybutton and tickling him
  • having people chase her
  • calling grandparents by name
  • pretending to talk on the phone and having it sound like a real conversation
  • putting hats on her head and walking around the house forgetting that they are there
  • whenever we drive by her babysitters (and we aren't stopping there), she shouts out her besties name
  • when she hurts someone she rubs their cheek and says "soweee" (and sometimes when someone hurts her she still says sorry to them!)
  • sitting at her little table and colouring in colouring books (and it was also found on the stove and the wall....)
  • running into her tent and knocking it on her side
  • finding a soother (which she is only supposed to have at bedtime) and hiding somewhere to put it in her mouth so she doesn't get caught
  • splashing and blowing bubbles in the tub
  • her first sled ride down a big hill (she giggled and squealed the whole time)
I look forward to the upcoming year and all of the cuteness and fun we will have!

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