my fairy tale come true

Friday, 29 March 2013

Two years ago...

Two years ago....

Two years ago tonight, we were sitting at home, anxiously awaiting the next morning when I would go to the hospital to start my induction as our little lady was being stubborn, and was much too comfortable inside mommy's tummy.  I remember being nervous that we would call in the morning and they would be too busy to take us, forcing us to wait another day.  Never did I think that the induction would start and take 36 hours to finally meet our precious baby girl.

I can't believe it is almost your second Birthday, Kennedy.  Only two more days until you are finally "two".  :) 

What a blessing you have been to our lives.  Your daddy and I love watching you play, explore, learn, talk, sleep, investigate, question, and sometimes sit still (although this rarely happens).  Your personality is blossoming and you are so verbal now.  Each day, we are amazed at what you tell us and recently - the things that you are learning to ask us.  Just this week you started at your new daycare.  They told me on the first day that you transitioned so well with the rest of the kids, and it made my heart melt knowing that you can adjust so easily to new places and that you were kind and loving to your new daycare friends.  Each day when I picked you up, you would actually tell me about the things you did that day.  I am amazed that I can actually learn things from you that I wasn't there to experience with you - it's so neat!  

You have so many interests.  You are still obsessed with your dolly, Sasha.  Often carrying her around the house like a little mommy - rocking, shushing, and covering her with blankets.  You often ask mommy and daddy to rock her too.  You love to sit at your little table and colour.  You love the peel off stickers that we put on the patio window.  Today you were so excited to go on your first bike ride in the new trailer that daddy got to attach to his bike.  You love to ask questions about where your friends are.  You love talking on the speaker phone to your grandmas and grandpas - often picking up the phone to call them.  You love to say "I do it" and try to put your own coat and shoes on - and you are getting quite good at it!  You love walking up the stairs and saying goodbye to your toys.  You love swimming in the pool! - your lessons just ended and you still ask to go back.  When we say not today, Kennedy, your response is "soon?".  You love playing with your cousins.  You love apricots, yogurt, noodles, raisins, and most recently chocolate.  You love watching the birds and the big kids playing on the street after school. You love singing songs while rocking before bed and you never forget to ask for two blankets in your crib. You love seeing school buses.  You love being praised for peeing on the potty.  You love shovelling the snow (although it is finally gone! - just a few small patches here and there on the lawn).  You love dancing to songs that have a good beat with your daddy.  You love helping cook in the kitchen, but insist on standing on a chair by yourself.  You love Dora.  You love being a helper by putting things away for mommy.  You love looking at pictures of family and friends.  You love playing with containers in the bathtub and putting your hand under the faucet as the water fills the tub. 
We love absolutely everything about you.  Your giggles, your smiles, your hugs and kisses, and even your new little attitude.  We know you are going to be an amazing big sister to your baby brother and we can't wait to see the two of you form a bond and friendship together.

We love you with all our hearts and then more and we can't wait to celebrate a lifetime of birthdays with you. 

Two years ago you changed our lives forever.  We love you!  Happy Birthday baby girl. 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Baby chicks

Spring is just around the corner (we hope) and that meant a trip to the barn with Grandma and Grandpa to see the brand new baby chicks.  Although they were quick, Kennedy was quicker.  She had no fear bending down to scoop them up.  However she needed a few reminders about not squeezing too hard and setting them down gently again.  She absolutely loved it and talked about it all day long. 

Today we laughed at her as she hid behind the toys or in the closet, and while peeking out said "I see you" to mommy and daddy.  Another fav quote of the day has been "back minute mommy" as she tries to tell me that she will be right back in a minute.  This child is a sponge and obviously has been soaking it all in. 

Before bedtime, daddy cranked up the tunes and had a little dance party.  The little lady thinks it's hilarious to spin around and around until she falls down.  She obviously gets her dance moves from her father.

Meanwhile in the baby boy department - he still doesn't have a name.  In fact, he's not even close to having a name.  I'm starting to feel lots of movement - not just kicks, but rolling around and flips. We can now see him moving too which is exciting!  Kennedy likes to poke my belly button and say "hi baby boy".  If we ever name this child, I don't think we'll be able to tell Kennedy until he arrives as she will repeat it over and over and it will no longer be a secret. 

Saturday, 16 March 2013

"I do it"

"I do it" is the newest phrase we've been hearing in our house.

Little Miss-I'm-almost-two-and-totally-independent is stretching her wings.  And mama needs some patience.  I don't mind her trying, but it's the slight tone of attitude that accompanies the "I do it".  Of course, this is a time for her to learn, experiment and have things modelled for her... and I have to remember that it is important to let her do it so she does learn.  But sometimes, mommy is just faster (and a little please and thank you goes a long way too!)

We are pretty lucky to have a polite little girl.  A little girl who has a memory like an elephant - just like her Uncle Adam.  She doesn't forget a thing.  So much so, that we have to keep some things a secret from her until closer to the time as she will remember and ask about it every two seconds.  Of course, we smile and enjoy it.... what can be annoying is when done by her :) 

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

walkin' and talkin'

It's March.  I can't believe how quickly the winter has passed.  Kennedy and I went on a beautiful walk today after work.  It was so nice to be out in the sun and enjoy the fresh air without feeling freezing cold.

I think that the little lady talked during out whole walk.  Pointing out things she saw and things she heard. 
  • "What noise mommy?" she would ask when she could hear something without seeing it. 
  • "Where plane go mommy?" she would ask once the plane disappeared out of sight. 
  • "Boy fall down" she would say as the boys getting off the bus jumped in the snow in the ditch as they walked home. 
  • "Where did puppy go? Puppy sleeping" (her usual response about where the dogs have gone when we tell her that they have gone back into their house). 
  • "Mommy Rocco" she explained when she saw the neighbour approaching us with her dog.
It makes me smile as I listen to her chit chat and I answer her questions and pose new ones for her too.  I love listening to her sing the alphabet (a, b, c, w, x, a, b, c, w, x), the wheels on the bus (her favourite song to sing with actions), and Happy Birthday ("Happy birthday to you Papa John" as it was just his birthday this past weekend).

She loves to talk on the phone and loves to talk to her babies.  She's like her mom - she just loves to talk!

Saturday, 2 March 2013

a year ago today

A year ago today, we were in sunny Mexico.  Wishing we were somewhere warm today, or at least that the sun was out :)