"I do it" is the newest phrase we've been hearing in our house.
Little Miss-I'm-almost-two-and-totally-independent is stretching her wings. And mama needs some patience. I don't mind her trying, but it's the slight tone of attitude that accompanies the "I do it". Of course, this is a time for her to learn, experiment and have things modelled for her... and I have to remember that it is important to let her do it so she does learn. But sometimes, mommy is just faster (and a little please and thank you goes a long way too!)
We are pretty lucky to have a polite little girl. A little girl who has a memory like an elephant - just like her Uncle Adam. She doesn't forget a thing. So much so, that we have to keep some things a secret from her until closer to the time as she will remember and ask about it every two seconds. Of course, we smile and enjoy it.... what can be annoying is oh.so.cute when done by her :)
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