my fairy tale come true

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Fall Fair time

One of my favourite days of the year has come and gone already.   This year I got to share the special tradition with my little lady for the first time.  Kennedy attended her first Fall Fair. 

It's always exciting to go and see the big parade.  Always standing in the same location with grandparents, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, cousins, and nephews.  We watch the floats go by, waving to those we know and then spend the next few hours walking around the midway, seeing the exhibits, eating the goods (always the fries!), checking out the car show, browsing by the animals, and stopping a bazillion times to say hello to friends. 

We rudely woke Kennedy up after she had only been napping for five minutes, when we realized she desperately needed a change (a major blow out - it was gross and there was no way we could leave her in those pants for the next hour of sleep).  So fortunately, she was able to watch her first parade.  She was very observant listening to the music and seeing all the people go by, but was soon tuckered out and fell back asleep as daddy and I pushed her around the fairgrounds.

Kennedy also got her first experience joining us at the Ripley Legion - another yearly tradition for the adults! 

Can't wait until she's old enough to interact with the animals, squeal with delight on the rides, make little cookies and crafts to enter in the fair, ride on floats with the school, and all of the rest of the fun at the Fair.

Friday, 23 September 2011

First foods

So last night was the night we decided that Kennedy was ready to try food for the first time.  I have been doing a lot of reading on BLW and watching videos online and although I was nervous to try it, we gave it a go with some avocados.  The avocado I gave K was pretty ripe, so she was getting it all between her fingers and on her hands.  It was so slippery she had a hard time getting it up off the tray, and dropped it quite a few times, but she did manage to get it in her mouth too.

Unfortunately, mommy got really nervous when she started to gag.  Of course I had the camera snapping pictures and was switching with the video camera to catch these precious moments on film.  It took a lot for me to sit back and let her explore, but when she started going red and gagging, I told Evan that *I* wasn't ready for this.... so instead....

I put her avocado in one of these net things for her to gum and chew.  She likes having frozen grapes in them, so I thought this would be a great opportunity for her to explore the new taste.  Unfortunately, she didn't "get it" and just banged this on her tray.  Time for attempt #3....

The mashed up avocado mixed with her personal favourite bm.  This was quite tasty to the little lady as she moved it around in her mouth and swallowed some.  This picture was taken shortly after she vomited. At least Evan and I were prepared for that, and had a little laugh (at her expense I know). 

So the first food is officially past us.  We will try again today when daddy gets home from work and see how she likes it again today. 

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Who does she look like?

Since Kennedy was born, I always have people telling me that she looks like her father

Rarely, do I hear that she looks like me

I like hearing that she looks like her beautiful self

(maybe with a pinch of both of us)

It came, and I'm sad

It came yesterday, and I'm sad. 

I remember being a little girl and going through the Sears catalogues looking at baby stuff and picking out all of the things that I would want to buy when I had a baby of my own.  Well yesterday one of those things arrived by Purolator and Evan set it up before supper so we could give it a trial run.  Laying in bed last night I told Evan that I was sad that "it" had arrived.  Just another step to show that our little lady is growing up.  Far to fast if you ask me.

Here "it" is... and she loves it

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Stateside shopping

So yesterday morning, the hubby and I packed up the babe and headed stateside to do some serious shopping.  Our goal for the trip: to buy some sort of highchair for the little lady as she will *soon* be starting solid foods.

After an amazing drive down (I say amazing because I got to sit in the front seat as the hubby drove because the baby slept nearly the whole way!  This is double amazing because a) she usually hates the car and b) she doesn't usually nap longer than 40 minutes at a time) we arrived at our destination and started swiping the VISA card.  Not too surprising was the fact that the little lady was on the receiving end of most of the purchases.  There were just so many things that she really and truly needed.  Like an adorable Halloween sleeper.  Oh and a two piece Christmas outfit.  Oh ya, and those bath toys.... (the list goes on.... can you tell she has us wrapped around our finger already?  What will it be like shopping with her once she can actually ASK for things).  I think that the two highlights of the purchases for me was the super cute and adorable, fluffy white winter sleeper and white hat (will I be able to keep those clean?) and the SUPER adorable Tinkerbell Halloween outfit.  I think that my husband will say that everything I saw in the states was super adorable - but really, baby girl stuff is just so.darn.adorable.

Won't she look super adorable?

I must say that we did hit up some really good sales. And yes, the hubby and I did get some things for ourselves.  SOMEHOW though, we managed to make it home without a high chair.  But don't you fret..... I ordered one today online!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Before my very own eyes

My little girl is growing up before my very own eyes. 

Each day is something new and it amazes me to watch her grow, develop, babble, sleep, stare, drool.... you name it, I love watching it.  I can now relate to others who say it is difficult to get things done when you have a baby. I really can't use the excuse that my baby is a high needs baby and requires all of my attention.  She is happy to sit in her jolly jumper, lay under the trees outside, suck on a toy, or talk to herself while I am busy doing things around the house.  But my problem is that I hate leaving her to do these things.  I'd much rather sit beside her and talk to her as she jumps in her jolly jumper, lays under a tree outside, sucks on a toy, and talks to herself.  I don't want to miss a single thing.  She really is growing up too fast.

Tomorrow she will "officially" be 5 1/2 months old and I can't am shocked that all this time has passed already.  It seems like a lifetime ago that I was pregnant but yet it is hard to believe that at the end of the month she will be half of a year old! 

Today, she grew up before my eyes yet again.  She started sitting on her own.  I swear that this happened overnight. Although she is a bit unsteady at times, and falls to the side or backwards (and sometimes on her face) I am still counting this as sitting!  Her dad is going to be amazed when he gets home from work this afternoon.  I can't wait to share this with him and let him see it with his own eyes. 

Monday, 12 September 2011

Mommy friends

Yesterday I wrote a post about my fabulous friends from high school and university.  Now today I must celebrate my new Mommy Friends!

How amazing to be able to sit in a room full of other mom's at our LLL meetings and feel so comfortable to share thoughts/concerns/fears/feelings/and celebrations. I often wonder what mommy-life would be like without these ladies in my life.  They have been there for me since before the little lady was born, and I took their advice and personal experiences to heart.  Now with a five month old baby girl I am able to share some of my own advice and experiences with them as well.  These women have become a very important part of my life and I am happy that I can call them friends.

I also think it's SO great for Kennedy to meet her own young friends as many of these babies are around the same age as she is and many of them will go to school together.  Today, she and another young babe laid on a blanket together and she tried to eat his hand --- a budding romance I'm sure!

Life on mat leave is amazing - we attend LLL meetings with our wee ones and have so much fun that we then go out for lunch together..... I guess it might be time for me to get some housework done as I have been off playing all day long with my little lady and our new friends.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

9 years ago

The other day I got a text from my dorm room roommate from first year.  Her text simply said that we met nine years ago today.  :)  She remembers the first day she moved into residence, and she and her dad passed a girl in the hall.  After looking up, smiling, and saying hello to the girl and her parents, they continued on down the hall as her father said "now those are true farmers".   A few minutes later, in her dorm room she realized that the girl she passed in the hall was me!  How did we get so lucky to room together for first year and to have so many similarities in our upbringing, our home life, and our interests?

Then this past weekend, two of the other girls that we lived with in residence came up to visit and to meet my baby girl for the first time.  We were reflecting on 9 years ago and it really made me miss my uni days.

I was fortunate enough to have a fabulous university experience, and I attribute most of that to the group of friends that I had while away at school.  Not only was I lucky enough to have some of my best friends from high school attend the same university, but I also met an amazing group of ladies in residence who I lived with for two subsequent years in a house. 

I remember when planning for second year, having to make the difficult decision to either live with my girls from home, or take a leap and live with new friends that I had met.  After much deliberation, I chose to live with the new girls.  I knew that my high school friends would always be my friends as they had been for years and we were all from the same home town.  But I also realized that you need to put time and effort into new friendships to continue building a foundation for a life long friendship. 

So many years later, I can say how happy I am that I made that decision.  For two years, I lived in a home with 8 girls.  Crazy, I know.  But we loved it.  We had many late night chats, "family meals", road trips, study dates, did pranks on each other, watched Family Feud together, shared childhood stories, hosted parties, and the list goes on....

Who would have thought that this group of girls would be able to keep in touch.  With two girls moving out of province, and one of our girls a long drive away, it leaves four of us who are within a 3 hour drive.  We try to get together as often as we can.  Having a couple of reunions each year, we try to get whoever we can under the same roof.  Of course, with three weddings under our belt, that is an instant excuse for bachelorette parties, showers, and wedding celebrations.

One night last summer I was together with my first year roommate (my bridesmaid and one of my best friends), and after a bit of confusion, and a lot of laughs, we realized that we were both pregnant - and only 6 weeks apart.  How amazing to be able to share something like that with a close friend.  We now both have beautiful little girls, and we often talk about then growing up together as great friends - just like their moms.

I feel so lucky and fortunate to have met these wonderful ladies nine years ago.  When you combine them with my friends from home, I feel like my cup overflows. 

Yet another reason she lived happily ever after.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

How can I forget?

Throughout my pregnancy, and in the first few weeks after Kennedy's birth, I remember people telling me things that I would shake my head at.  For example, they would say "Oh, they grow so fast" and "I can't remember when mine were that small".  I would think to myself, come on people - it was your first born child, how can you simply forget how small they were?  It's such an amazing time in your life, it can't just disappear from your memory.

Fast forward to this past Friday.  One of my best friends had a beautiful baby boy and off we drove to the big city to see him for the first time.  He was only 15 hours old when I got to hold him for the first time (which selfishly, I asked to hold him first as I knew that K would need a feed *soon* - sorry M.A.) As he was placed in my arms, weighing a mere 7lbs 7oz, he felt like a preemie!  Now, I know that a 7lb 7oz baby is a good sized baby but I heard myself saying one of those things that people said to me "Mine was never that small".  Kennedy was 8obs 1 oz at the time of her birth and although she did drop a little weight in the days after, she was always above Colton's weight.  Now I found myself thinking that I truly did not remember when she was that small.  Jeez Louise.  The comments that I found so ridiculous from people only months before were now coming out of my mouth only 5 months after my little girl was born.  You really do forget!  Can it be blamed on mommy brain? (which really does exist.  I tell my husband all the time.  Preggo brain aka "forget things that you should remember brain", does turn into mommy brain.  And mommy brain is also "forget what you should remember brain".... I hear it lasts forever and never goes away - sorry Evan).

These comments came back to me again today as I finally started to put the 300 pictures I have had printed of Kennedy into a photo album.  As I placed them into the album and wrote comments in the margins, I really and truly thought to myself that I could not remember when she was that small.   Thank goodness for digital cameras and video cameras.  I'm afraid if I don't capture it on film or video, I may just forget.

Now I wonder if I will turn into one of them.  One of those people who says "I can't remember when Kennedy was that small"..... Gosh, I hope that I don't become annoying like that.  The next thing I know, I will tell pregnant women to sleep while they can.  Like you can bank up your good nights sleep.  Sheesh.

Colton and Kennedy (a picture to help me remember their size!)

Thursday, 1 September 2011

A full life

Amazingly, people read my first post so now I guess it's time for posting #2. 

But what to write about?  Do I write just for the sake of writing or do I wait until I have something really meaningful to say?  For those who know me, I like to talk.  So I think I'll just start to babble and attempt to do a few of these "blogger tricks" like attaching a picture or something crazy like that!  I'm wild, I know. 

I'll start with a simple explanation of my blog's name: She Lived Happily Ever After.  I'm a happy person.  I like to smile and I like to be surrounded by happy people. I like to read books that have happy endings.  I love watching girly movies that end exactly the way you want it to.  I really have a great life and few things to complain about.  I have a wonderful, supportive husband, a caring family, an amazing group of friends, a job which I love, a comfortable home, and most importantly - a beautiful, healthy, baby girl.  I am currently living my happily ever after. My blog's name also has a bit of a double meaning as I know there will be many, many, many posts about my precious baby girl.  My hopes and dreams for her is that she lives her own happily ever after.  I think if you're a happy person, then you're living a full life.  My life is full!

My happily ever after :)

A little nervous

I'm a little nervous.  This is my first blog and my first post.  Will people actually read it?  Do they care?  At a recent LLL meeting, I was sharing with friends that I enjoyed reading thier blogs.  "Do you have one?" a friend asked.  After my response of no, she continued by asking "Why not?".  Hmmm good question.  Why don't I start a blog.  I love reading others.  It's a great way to peek inside the lives of friends, other mothers, and sometimes people I don't even know to get inspiration, hear stories of other mothers, get a little giggle, keep up with friends, and realize that I'm not alone in some of the things that are happening in my life.

But still, I am nervous.  Will I be able to keep up with blog posts so that weeks don't pass without writing anything.  There aleady seems to not be enough hours in a day to get all the things done that I want to.  Will blogging take over my life and take away time spent with my little girl, cleaning the house, socializing with friends, spending time with my hubby and all of the others chapters in my life?

This blog thing makes me nervous. Will I embarass myself by writing something that I will later regret?  That people will think is stupid or boring?  How do bloggers write to keep the interest of their readers?  Do I even care if others read this or is it just a personal journal for myself to help record all the memories and fun times we are having with our young daughter?

So many makes me nervous.... but wish me luck as I take on this new adventure!