my fairy tale come true

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Fall Fair time

One of my favourite days of the year has come and gone already.   This year I got to share the special tradition with my little lady for the first time.  Kennedy attended her first Fall Fair. 

It's always exciting to go and see the big parade.  Always standing in the same location with grandparents, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, cousins, and nephews.  We watch the floats go by, waving to those we know and then spend the next few hours walking around the midway, seeing the exhibits, eating the goods (always the fries!), checking out the car show, browsing by the animals, and stopping a bazillion times to say hello to friends. 

We rudely woke Kennedy up after she had only been napping for five minutes, when we realized she desperately needed a change (a major blow out - it was gross and there was no way we could leave her in those pants for the next hour of sleep).  So fortunately, she was able to watch her first parade.  She was very observant listening to the music and seeing all the people go by, but was soon tuckered out and fell back asleep as daddy and I pushed her around the fairgrounds.

Kennedy also got her first experience joining us at the Ripley Legion - another yearly tradition for the adults! 

Can't wait until she's old enough to interact with the animals, squeal with delight on the rides, make little cookies and crafts to enter in the fair, ride on floats with the school, and all of the rest of the fun at the Fair.

1 comment:

  1. Woah. You are a blogging super star!

    How cool of it to have traditions like this - with family everywhere for generations.
