my fairy tale come true

Thursday, 1 September 2011

A little nervous

I'm a little nervous.  This is my first blog and my first post.  Will people actually read it?  Do they care?  At a recent LLL meeting, I was sharing with friends that I enjoyed reading thier blogs.  "Do you have one?" a friend asked.  After my response of no, she continued by asking "Why not?".  Hmmm good question.  Why don't I start a blog.  I love reading others.  It's a great way to peek inside the lives of friends, other mothers, and sometimes people I don't even know to get inspiration, hear stories of other mothers, get a little giggle, keep up with friends, and realize that I'm not alone in some of the things that are happening in my life.

But still, I am nervous.  Will I be able to keep up with blog posts so that weeks don't pass without writing anything.  There aleady seems to not be enough hours in a day to get all the things done that I want to.  Will blogging take over my life and take away time spent with my little girl, cleaning the house, socializing with friends, spending time with my hubby and all of the others chapters in my life?

This blog thing makes me nervous. Will I embarass myself by writing something that I will later regret?  That people will think is stupid or boring?  How do bloggers write to keep the interest of their readers?  Do I even care if others read this or is it just a personal journal for myself to help record all the memories and fun times we are having with our young daughter?

So many makes me nervous.... but wish me luck as I take on this new adventure!