my fairy tale come true

Sunday, 23 October 2011

All the firsts

I'm the type of person that likes to take a lot of pictures.  In one day, I can easily take a hundred or more pictures.  Often taking twenty or more pictures of the same pose, just to get the perfect shot.  My husband often teases me that if I don't take a picture of it, then it must not have happened.

I love to have pictures surrounding me in my home, I love posting pictures on facebook to share with friends and family who may also enjoy them, and I love going through them on my computer when I am reflecting on past events.  I like to think that I can take good pictures.  I enjoy playing with the camera, the angles, the subjects, creating different poses, and getting that perfect picture.  However this translates to thousands (and I mean thousands) or pictures saved on my computer.  I am absolutely terrified of losing them all or having my computer crash, so I try to get them backed up on something else.  This is an area that I really should be more organized in.  These pictures are so precious to me that I should take better care.  Suggestions of photo organization welcome!

Now that Kennedy is here, I don't even bother putting the camera away.  It must be handy for those unexpected moments that must be captured because they are just so darn cute.  This includes all of her firsts.  I take pictures of everything she does for the first time.  The first time she had a blow-out in her diaper, I took a picture cause daddy wasn't there, and it was something that I thought he must see. The first time she rolled over - I missed the actual shot, but ran and got the camera and have a photo of her laying on her back.  At least *I* know that she had just rolled over before I took the picture.  The first time at the cottage.  The first time eating food.  The first "craft" she made.....and the list goes on.  Here is a picture of her first time at the park - and her first time on the swing and slide. 

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

You're not okay

I have a little lady who likes to cuddle and snuggle with her mommy, and I love it.  I love when she is laying in my arms, or beside me in bed and she softly strokes my hand just to know that I'm still there.  I love when she finishes nursing and she looks up and me with her eyes half closed and her adorable milky grin.  I love when she bursts out in a giggle when I surprise her with a funny noise or doing a crazy dance.  I love when a smile spreads across her face when she sees her daddy for the first time when he comes into the room after being away at work for the day.  I love when she grabs her bare toes and sticks them in her mouth when I'm in the middle of changing her diaper.  I even love when she starts to whimper, even though I know that really and truly nothing is wrong - and as soon as I scoop her up, she starts to smile like she was playing a trick on me.

But then comes the time when she's in a full.out.cry.  And I don't love it.  I feel helpless. I feel sad. I feel guilty. I feel frustrated when I can't calm her instantly. I feel overwhelmed at times.  I feel a lot of not good feelings.  I instantly start doing "the bounce" or rocking her while shushing in her ear, or singing to her softly.  I try the soother, or try calming her by letting her suck my finger.  I just want the happy baby back and the crying to go away.  What I also find myself doing is saying "you're okay" as the tears are rolling down her cheek, and I am patting her bum, pacing the floor, and humming quietly. 

"You're okay"  is a phrase that I find myself saying and then wondering why the heck I say it.  If she was okay, then she wouldn't be crying.  Seems to be common sense, but for some reason it's something that I repeatedly say. I'm the type of person who preaches to my students that you must learn from your mistakes - but am I?  If Kennedy really understands all the things I say, I wonder what she is thinking when she is miserable and upset and her mom is telling her that she is okay.  Obviously something is wrong and mommy is taking too long to help fix it. She doesn't feel okay. So from now on, I'm going to try to do a lot less "you're okays" and more of all the other wonderful things that makes K happy.

Monday, 17 October 2011

First official date

Today marks Kennedy's "first official date" as she went out on the town this afternoon to see her first movie.  The little lady was lucky enough to be accompanied by not one, but two handsome little men.  And the over protective mothers tagged along as chaperone's.

We had a fun afternoon, driving to the next town to see the new release of the movie "Footloose".  It was a mommy and tot viewing where all the mom's got to take their babes and watch the matinee movie in a stress free environment.  No worries about having to keep the babe quiet.  We were able to rock the strollers, walk the babies around, feed them, change them, hold them, and play while watching a movie.  What fun! 

I can't wait until Kennedy goes on her next supervised date! 

Friday, 14 October 2011

A wet day

This afternoon turned out to be a wet and dreary day...  aka the perfect day to curl up on the couch, with a sleeping girl in my arms, catching up on some of my PVR'd shows.  I know that a day will come when I say to myself that I didn't sit down and enjoy cuddling with Kennedy enough, so I try to take the opportunities when I can.  Is it spoiling her, holding her like that?  Not in my opinion.  Not when she has an eye that keeps running, and two new teeth coming in.  Who am I kidding... I'd probably still hold her while she napped even if she wasn't teething.  A perfect chance to cuddle up on a quiet afternoon after a very busy long weekend. 

We were fortunate enough to spend Thanksgiving with friends and family and did a lot of visiting as well.  Our family went back to the home farm and had our last family pictures taken there.  So strange to be back there with all the changes that have happened since my parents moved off the farm.  I know that Kennedy will miss out on a lot of things that I got to do while growing up as a farm girl, but we will have to work at it to make sure she still has these experiences, only at a different place. 

We had our own little photo shoot by setting up the camera on the tripod, and taking a bazillion pictures, with the hopes that one would be a great shot with three young kids.  We ended up with lots of great pics and of course, I have to share a couple!

Friday, 7 October 2011

Is that what I think it is?

So this past weekend the three of us made a trip to "the big city" to go to IKEA.  Evan had never been before, so I was a little nervous if he'd love it or hate it.  I think it was a bit overwhelming, but I also know that I will be able to take him back.

While shopping, we chose not to take the big clunky stroller in as she had been in the car seat the whole drive there.  So instead we had her in the snugli for a bit, carried her for a bit, and also let her sit in the shopping cart for.the.first.time (ahhh, another milestone!).  After about 3 hours of shopping (yes, it was a long day at IKEA), I was playing around with K, and thought I saw a little slit in her gums.  Is that what I think it is? A tooth? I thought so, but daddy had a hard time seeing it.  She had been good as gold that day with no 'signs' of teething, but I was sure that I had seen something.  Sure enough, about two days later I could feel a little sharp point on her bottom gum.

And teething has begun!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Splish Splash!

Kennedy loves the water!  I should correct that.... Kennedy loves warm water as we do not love the lake as much as we love the bath and the pool.

She is now sitting up in the tub and enjoys playing with her bath toys.  It's so entertaining to watch her reach for her toys and see her reaction when they float away from her as she is still learning to grab onto things.  She has always loved her bath and doesn't fuss when she gets her hair washed or water on her face. 

Kennedy and mommy at swimming lessons

We have also recently started mom and tot swimming lessons.  These classes are really just getting the baby exposed to the water, but I really think she does enjoy it.  She has lots of other baby friends in the class (so it's a great social time for the mamas), but we are learning new things.  Yesterday she was dunked under the water three times by her mother (mean of me or good for her?  I'm going with good for her as we might as well start young so she gets used to it).   We live so close to the lake and visit the cottage often in the summer so I want her to be comfortable around water. Might as well start early! :) 

Monday, 3 October 2011

6 months old

My little girl.

You are getting so big now and we love watching as you explore the world around you.  The other day you turned six months old and we had a little party with great grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.  You were dressed (for awhile), in the prettiest little dress that ruffled all around you as you sat up, smiling at everyone.  You enjoyed eating the dress more than your toys, which wasn't surprising as you like to put absolutely everything in your mouth right now.  Whether it is a toy, book, someone's finger or your bib, you are chewing and sucking on it all. 

Now that you can sit up (and mommy doesn't have to worry too much about you falling over), you reach and grab for objects and play contentedly on the floor.  You also love to spend time in your jumperoo.  We joke that we could leave you in there for hours at a time, and I swear that you would be happy to jump around.  Recently you've also been interested at looking at yourself in the mirror.  Not surprinsingly, when we sit you infront of the full length mirror you try to eat yourself as you put your lips up to the cold mirror and bang your hands against it.  As it is now turning to fall, you are also interested in watching the leaves blow in the trees and stare off out the window whenever you get a chance.  We love watching you explore.

When we lay in bed together and you are falling asleep or just waking, you love to rub our faces with your hands or lightly stroke our hands with yours.  I think it is your way of knowing that we are still close.  Lately at night, you have been sleeping in our bed again, but it allows everyone to get more sleep.  You like to stand or sit on our laps when you are awake, and grab our faces and try to kiss us (some may think you are trying to eat us, but we'll call it a kiss).  We love your wet kisses!

Another exciting thing that has happened is your recent ear piercing.  After great conversation between your daddy and I, we decided to get your ears pierced and you were an angel having them done.  They look super cute and you haven't really noticed that they are there yet.  When we turn and clean them, you keep that big, drooly smile on your face! 

Your laughter brings us so much joy.  Daddy can really get you laughing when he nuzzles into your neck and belly.  You giggle when we make funny noises and faces at you and the sound that comes out of you is like music to our ears.  Mommy tickles your tummy with her hands and that also gets big laughs from you.  I look forward to a lifetime of hearing those giggles!
eating your party dress :)

your new bling!

sitting in your party chair

the family came for dinner!

you and Easton even got half a cake (for turning half a year old!)

eating yourself in the mirror :)