my fairy tale come true

Friday, 7 October 2011

Is that what I think it is?

So this past weekend the three of us made a trip to "the big city" to go to IKEA.  Evan had never been before, so I was a little nervous if he'd love it or hate it.  I think it was a bit overwhelming, but I also know that I will be able to take him back.

While shopping, we chose not to take the big clunky stroller in as she had been in the car seat the whole drive there.  So instead we had her in the snugli for a bit, carried her for a bit, and also let her sit in the shopping cart for.the.first.time (ahhh, another milestone!).  After about 3 hours of shopping (yes, it was a long day at IKEA), I was playing around with K, and thought I saw a little slit in her gums.  Is that what I think it is? A tooth? I thought so, but daddy had a hard time seeing it.  She had been good as gold that day with no 'signs' of teething, but I was sure that I had seen something.  Sure enough, about two days later I could feel a little sharp point on her bottom gum.

And teething has begun!

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