You are getting so big now and we love watching as you explore the world around you. The other day you turned six months old and we had a little party with great grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. You were dressed (for awhile), in the prettiest little dress that ruffled all around you as you sat up, smiling at everyone. You enjoyed eating the dress more than your toys, which wasn't surprising as you like to put absolutely everything in your mouth right now. Whether it is a toy, book, someone's finger or your bib, you are chewing and sucking on it all.
Now that you can sit up (and mommy doesn't have to worry too much about you falling over), you reach and grab for objects and play contentedly on the floor. You also love to spend time in your jumperoo. We joke that we could leave you in there for hours at a time, and I swear that you would be happy to jump around. Recently you've also been interested at looking at yourself in the mirror. Not surprinsingly, when we sit you infront of the full length mirror you try to eat yourself as you put your lips up to the cold mirror and bang your hands against it. As it is now turning to fall, you are also interested in watching the leaves blow in the trees and stare off out the window whenever you get a chance. We love watching you explore.
When we lay in bed together and you are falling asleep or just waking, you love to rub our faces with your hands or lightly stroke our hands with yours. I think it is your way of knowing that we are still close. Lately at night, you have been sleeping in our bed again, but it allows everyone to get more sleep. You like to stand or sit on our laps when you are awake, and grab our faces and try to kiss us (some may think you are trying to eat us, but we'll call it a kiss). We love your wet kisses!
Another exciting thing that has happened is your recent ear piercing. After great conversation between your daddy and I, we decided to get your ears pierced and you were an angel having them done. They look super cute and you haven't really noticed that they are there yet. When we turn and clean them, you keep that big, drooly smile on your face!
Your laughter brings us so much joy. Daddy can really get you laughing when he nuzzles into your neck and belly. You giggle when we make funny noises and faces at you and the sound that comes out of you is like music to our ears. Mommy tickles your tummy with her hands and that also gets big laughs from you. I look forward to a lifetime of hearing those giggles!
eating your party dress :)
your new bling!
sitting in your party chair
the family came for dinner!
you and Easton even got half a cake (for turning half a year old!)
eating yourself in the mirror :)
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