He's here! He's here! And what an entrance he made! :) Time to share the story while it's still fresh in my mind.
Rewind to June 25th. I had a midwife appointment with Whitney and Brianna and after much discussion, we decided to think about the possibility of doing a non-medical induction on Thursday since baby was head down and to get things rolling before he decided to try and flip on us again.
June 26th was the second last day of school for the year, but it was my last day of work since the next day was supposed to be "the day" we got things started. It was strange saying goodbye to all the kids, knowing that the baby was going to be coming soon!
June 27th we were woken to a call from the midwife saying that they were unable to provide adequate midwifery care that day for an induction as they had too many women in labour through the night and during the day to have a midwife that I knew present. Although we were disappointed, we stayed close to the phone just in case things changed. It was a long day of waiting without the phone ringing with good news.
We're now on June 28th, which was a Friday. When Brianna called to tell us to come on up to the clinic, we were excited and nervous all rolled into one. We dropped K off at the sitter and had her take a picture of us together. Our last picture as a family of 3 :)
Up to the clinic we went where they checked me to confirm baby was still head down (which he was - yeah!). I then took a dose of castor oil and orange juice (ick) and went for a walk downtown. After a second dose back at the clinic, we walked to a small café and had lunch. Then after our third dose, it was off to the hospital with Carys and Brianna. They met me there, and checked to see that baby was still happy and then we started using the breast pump for an hour on and off. Contractions started mildly and I took a break to go for a walk, and do the stairs for a bit. The back to the breast pump for a little while. After a bit they decide to do an ultrasound. So at 5:30 we headed down for an ultrasound (having the ultrasound tech stay late to fit us in). Baby was happy and content, however they realized that I had polyhydraminos (extra amniotic fluid). No wonder baby was moving around so much!
After a big consult, we had a couple of options. Either wait and do a non-stress test both Saturday and Sunday with a medical induction planned for Monday. Or, a medical induction the next day. Being rather impatient, we decided just to go for the medical induction the next day. That would be 9 days past due date, so I was more than ready to meet this little man.
Back home we went, picking up K at Grandma's on our way home, knowing that tomorrow was the big day and rest would be needed. Although we were in bed that night by 10:30, I was woken at 12:30 with some strong contractions. I got up to walk around and "sway" with them. Feeling hungry, I made a tomato sandwich, but only got half of it down before feeling the need to wake up Evan. I woke him at 1:15 and told him that contractions were really starting to pick up in intensity and frequency. By this time, I was having a hard time breathing through them and decided to start keeping track. They were around 1 minute in length and only 2 minutes apart.
It was time to call Grandma and the midwives! when Evan got a hold of Carys and Brianna on a three way call, they decided it was best to get in the car asap and head to the hospital. I went to call my mom but had to wait through a contraction as I knew I couldn't talk. At 1:50, I gave her a call, telling her that it was time and we were heading to the hospital. I'd call her when we knew more about what was going on so they could come up to the hospital and be there too. By the time Evan's mom arrived to stay with K, it was 2am when we hit the road. I remember looking at the speedometer and telling Evan to hurry up. He was only going 100km/h and there was nobody on the road. After about 7 minutes into our hour long drive - I felt a huge gush. My water broke. Holy crap I thought. We had discussed with the midwives countless times that IF my water were to break that I was to put my knees to my chest and get head down and butt in the air. They had explained that since the baby's head hadn't fully engaged in my pelvis yet, that there was a chance that the umbilical cord could sneak under the babies head when my water broke, and they baby's head would then come down in the pelvis, pinching off the cord. By getting into the funky position, it would help keep baby up and off the cord. Of course they also said that this was
very very unlikely to happen, but they told me anyways - just in case.
So in a panic, I flipped around in the front seat of the car and told Evan he had to pull over and call 911 (these were further instructions from our midwives). Evan got on his cell with the dispatcher (this was at 2:07am) and ran to the road to find the address of where we were. He then realized that he could probably drive me back to our local hospital quicker than waiting for the ambulance to come and get me. So he turned around and high tailed it back to the hospital. A hospital which doesn't deliver babies anymore - and they haven't in quite a few years.
I remember a nurse meeting us at the front door with a wheelchair (the 911 dispatcher had called ahead to warn them we were coming) and asking me to get in the chair. I told her I couldn't sit in the chair and after a little "discussion" I agreed to get in the chair on all fours, with my butt still in the air! The doctor came to meet us and I could hear her ask if this was our first baby - obviously she didn't recognize me right away in the strange position I was in. No, this wasn't our first baby Evan informed her as she clued in to who we were - it happened to be my own family doctor!
They wheeled me back to a room in emerge, and I told them I was ready to push. It seemed like only a few short seconds while the doctor checked me and said that if was ready to push, to go ahead. I was squeezing hands with nurses on both sides, and remember opening my eyes briefly to see Evan at my side on my left and looking at the clock on the wall to the right. It was 2:20am.
After three pushes (which to me seemed like mediocre pushes - and I knew I could do better once I got the hang of it again), the doctor said that his head was out. WHAT? Already? This was amazing news. I heard her say that the cord was around his neck, but she got it off and then after one more push, he was here! Our beautiful baby boy, Lawson, was put onto my chest and I remember looking from him to Evan saying "I can't believe he's here! I can't believe that just happened!" He arrived at 2:31. Just 24 minutes after we called 911 when my water broke. Wow - that was quick!
What a handsome baby boy! They weighed him beside me - 8lbs 8oz - the same weight I was when I was born.
It had been a long time since a baby had been born at this hospital. We found out afterwards that when the 911 dispatcher called in to say we were coming, they called an extra three nurses and one doctor in to assist. Only one nurse made it in time. The rest of them were called off the floor to come and help. However, the care we received was wonderful - everyone was knowledgeable, helpful, and so kind!
At 3:15, I called my parents and they were so surprised to hear that the baby had arrived and we didn't make it to the right hospital. They thought we would have just been arriving at the hospital and here I was calling to say that Lawson had arrived! It was only about fifteen minutes later when my parents arrived - totally shocked that Lawson was there - just as we were! We called Evan's mom, dad, and my siblings in the middle of the night and then shared the news with the rest of our friends and family early the next morning.
Evan's mom and our midwives arrived early morning and were excited to hear our story again. The doctor agreed that we could have our care transferred over to our midwives and they allowed us to go home. At 11:10 that morning, we arrived home with our son, and the midwives came with us to check him out. He was perfect!
I sit here writing this on July 29th. Lawson is now one month old. It seems like forever ago that I was pregnant and actually gave birth to him. We are so thankful for a healthy baby boy! Although life with two kids is chaotic at times - we are loving life as a family of four!