my fairy tale come true

Thursday, 29 December 2011

All over for another year

Well, it`s all over for another year.  But I think this was the best one yet. 

We made some amazing memories together as a family, and of course, I caught some of those special moments on camera.  Like this cute picture of Kennedy sitting on Santa`s knee.

 A family picture in front of the upstairs tree before we went to the Christmas Eve service at church
 Then a picture in front of the downstairs tree before the little lady went to bed on Christmas Eve.
 And of course - her first Christmas morning.  Playing with a gift from Santa. 

We are so blessed :)  I can`t wait for the year to come!

Thursday, 22 December 2011

sick baby


Who knew something so little could produce so much snot.  We had a long night last night, with a darling little girl who just couldn't get comfortable to fall asleep.  But how could she with her nose all filled up?  Unable to suck on her soother, or nurse very well, she was growing frustrated, and overtired by the minute. 

Off to the doc we go today (thankfully we have our "in" with Grandma L).  Hoping that it is nothing to worry about and goes away quickly.  With Christmas only 3 sleeps away.... all I want for Christmas is a healthy baby girl.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

a well rested family

My beautiful girl is sleeping soundly as I sit here and type.  She is sleeping soundly - not in my arms, not in my husbands arms, not in our bed, and not on the couch beside me.  She's sleeping in her crib.  AND she's been sleeping there for over three hours.  AND I haven't gone to soothe her once.  AND she hasn't cried more than ten minutes.  AND it's nighttime.

If you know my family, and K's sleeping habits, you are probably totally amazed with the above statements.

My baby is now sleeping in her own crib.  I still can't believe it. 

We spent the first part of parenthood having Kennedy sleep in a bassinet beside our bed, and then switched to put her in the playpen so she was still close by.  In the early days, getting her to sleep was tough.  We spent hours bouncing on our exercise ball, walking around the house, nursing, shushing, and laying her down ever so carefully and praying that she didn't wake.  It would last for a short time until she was back up and needing to go through the process again.  In the early days, I didn't mind.  I knew this was normal.  I knew that her frequent awakenings were perfectly normal, and helped keep her safe (preventing SIDS).

When she was about 15 weeks old, we decided it was time for her to move out of our room and into her crib.  She was sleeping much better and for a couple of weeks, this situation worked amazingly.   Then, after being teased with full nights of sleep - she started waking up again.  It was happening a lot.  Dragging my butt (or the hubby's butt) out of bed to go soothe, rock, or nurse her back to sleep started getting exhausting.  She was finally taking a soother (which worked wonders for driving in the car - a whole other post) but would spit it out and wail until it was returned to her whimpering lips.  We got into a new routine where we would put her to sleep in her crib, and when she woke in the night we would then bring her into bed with us.  It was much easier to soothe and nurse her back to sleep when my feet didn't have to hit the floor, my eyes didn't have to open, and my head didn't even have to lift of the pillow.  She was happy.  She was sleeping better.  We were happy.  We were sleeping better.  It worked.

For awhile.

Then we got into another bad habit.  We knew that it wasn't ideal, but we just didn't know what else to do.  Kennedy was waking up a lot.  It was so hard to put her to sleep at night, we'd let her fall asleep in our arms in the early evening and then would hold her or let her sleep beside us on the couch as we waited for the time that we would go to bed.  Then, we'd carry her upstairs to our bed and all go to sleep together.  That is, until she woke up.  And woke up again, and again, and again.  Most times we were so quick at soothing her, she would go back to sleep within seconds.  But we were waking up.  The game was getting old, and it was getting old fast.  But we still didn't know what to do.

I did a lot of reading online and talked to other mothers for advice.  Everybody had suggestions, but of course, none of it worked.  We had casually tried the cry it out (CIO) method twice before, but had gone to soothe Kennedy before she settled herself as it was so heartbreaking to listen to her cry.  The CIO method was something that I just didn't agree with.  It didn't sit well with me.  It didn't feel right.  The idea of it broke my heart, but we were getting to the point where we were willing to try it again.  I am fortunate to have such a supportive husband, so after many lengthy conversations, we decided to give it a shot.  We had to try.

Night one was tough.  She cried, and cried and when we thought she had settled, we'd sneak to the door where she would see or hear us, and the crying would start again.  It was the toughest thing to do, but we stuck to it, and she finally fell asleep.  It was the longest 50 minutes ever.  But she slept.  And she slept well.  She wasn't waking up a bazillion times in the night like she had the few weeks before.  We decided to try it again - for naps and for bedtime, and let me tell you - we are having great success.

Sometimes she goes to bed and cries for five or ten minutes.  Other times, she doesn't cry at all. She  sleeps in her own crib all night (with me getting up to nurse her once), and we have a happy girl smiling up at us when we go in to get her as she lays cooing and talking to herself in the morning. 

Amazingly, it worked.

The sense of relief I have is amazing.  I was hesitant to post this blog as I feared that I would jinx myself, but I think we are on the road to success.  We have purchased a video monitor so we can see her without having to go into her room.  It is amazing how long we sit looking at that screen, watching her sleep so soundly (and at times watching her cry --- which is the hardest thing to do).

It's working for us for now.  We'll see what happens in another few weeks.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

New ornaments

I have always dreamt of having two Christmas trees.  One tree to be decorated with beautiful, fancy, matching decorations, and the other to be decorated by my family with mis-matched, old, handmade, and personal ornaments. Well this year, thanks to a great Black Friday Sale at Zellers, but dream became a reality as I bought my second tree this year (I don't know if I would have been able to convince the hubby of a second tree if it wasn't a steal of a deal --- that being said, I didn't actually convince him, as I went out and bought it without telling him!) 

So this year, now that we have our little girl celebrating her first Christmas, we set up one tree upstairs and one tree downstairs.  My downstairs tree is over 30 years old (a hand-me-down tree from my in-laws).  It is an absolutely gorgeous tree - even without decorations.  It's full and lush, and not all plasticy and fake looking.  So when I add my sparkly ornaments, gold ribbon, and lights, I sit back and look at it in awe.  Beautiful. 

The second tree is set up in our upstairs family room and is covered in all of the mis-matched decorations that we have collected over the years.  A few years ago, Evan and I also started a new tradition: buying a new ornament every year to represent something significant in our lives.  We have one for our first Christmas living together, one for our engagement, our new home, to say that we are parents-to-be, and this year Kennedy has an ornament to say that it's her first Christmas.    I look forward to searching for the perfect ornaments over the years to represent for our family, new and exciting things that have happened.  I hope that down the road we will look back as we decorate the tree and reminisce about each milestone in our lives and reflect on all the special memories we made throughout the Christmas seasons. 

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Our latest milestone.

Our little princess has reached yet another milestone.  Although each and every day I think to myself that today will be the day she crawls - that has not happened yet (and for the record, I am totally okay with that.  I joke that I am going to tie her knees together to keep her stationary as long as possible).  There have been many a times when I think that a new tooth is coming through - but that too has not occurred since her first two teeth came over two months ago.  Numerous times she reaches for toys and furniture to try and pull herself up to a standing position - but still we wait for that to occur.  However, Kennedy's new "trick" is to wave.  And oh-my-goodness is it ever cute.  It began that day we went to the Santa Claus parade, and with much prompting, she raised her arm and flung it back and forth.  But now she does it on command and with a great big smile of accomplishment of her face.  We now don't even have to wave to her in order to get the desired response.  Instead, we can verbally prompt her by saying "Hi Kennedy" or "Kennedy wave" and up the arm goes.  I know that some babies do that wave by opening and closing their tiny little hands, but not out little lady.  The arms flaps up and down (or side to side) as she smiles with delight.   It melts my heart. 

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Family Traditions

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I love family traditions.  I am so excited to continue family traditions with Kennedy, and to start some new ones of our own.  I think it is an important part of childhood to have fond, happy memories of holidays and special occasions.  They are an opportunity for everyone to stop and appreciate time spent together. 

One tradition that I will do every year (while Kennedy is young), is Christmas outfits.  I think that pulling out the Christmas pj's and little Christmas dresses really puts you in the spirit.  As a teacher, I have an automatic excuse to dress up for the holidays - just like the kids.  Here are a few of K's outfits for 2011
 I love Santa

A pretty Christmas dress

Cozy Christmas pj's (which match two of her baby friends)

We are lucky to have one of Kennedy's Grandma's live along the Santa Claus Parade route of our small town.  The past few years, we have all gone to stand and wave as the floats go by.  Of course, this was K's first experience and I think she loved it!  This was the first day that she waved for the first time - 8 months old.  I think she must have been practising for when Santa drove by :)  I look forward to the upcoming years of the little lady watching, and perhaps even participating in the annual parade. 

This idea came straight from my new favourite website, pinterest.  As a Christmas countdown, for the month of December, Kennedy will unwrap one Christmas book each night to be read together.  Each year, we will recycle the books and wrap them up again (no need to buy 24 new books every year!).  It will be fun for her to have the anticipation of what book it will be each night.  I'm sure that over the years, books will be traded with new books she receives.  I love that this is the gift of reading - something I try to do everyday with Kennedy (and as a teacher, I better practise what I preach).  I also love that this is a gift of time spent cuddling up together.  Reading a book takes 10 minutes of your day - and we must remember to take the time to pause in our busy lives and sit down with our children and dedicate some quiet moments together. 

I love the holidays!

Saturday, 3 December 2011

The perfect Christmas card

I spent too much time on pinterest this year looking for ideas for the perfect pose for a photo for our Christmas cards.  Hours upon hours, browsing, pinning, and commenting on ideas on this magical website has left me feeling slightly overwhelmed.  I love having family traditions and want to start them early so that Kennedy has the wonderful memories to grow up with.  That being said, some of my fabulous (*cough cough I should say pinterest's fabulous) ideas need to wait until she's a bit older to understand and participate. 

A yearly photo Christmas card is a tradition that we can start this year.  But it has to be the perfect pose.  And it has to capture our little lady's personality and beautiful smile. I had fun practising on different poses and using different props (many of which went straight into her mouth - dangerous at times!  I now know better to attempt this when the hubby is working - next time, he will be my assistant) and playing around with the camera settings.  

Here is one that, although not quite perfect in the lighting, is a cute one to cherish!  I'm not sure if Kennedy will appreciate me sending out a half naked shot of her to all of our loved ones, so this one will go in her album and not on the card.

I did get "the" perfect shot - with a great big smile and the cutest little outfit, but will save that for another post and for once our cards are sent out :)

Ohhh the fun of holiday traditions... :)

Sunday, 27 November 2011

The man in red

On a cold, windy night, Kennedy met Santa and Mrs. Claus for the first time.  She looks super impressed here!

This past week the three of us headed to the big city to do some Christmas shopping and the little lady had her first hotel experience.  We purchased Kennedy's first Christmas ornament - a tradition that we plan to do every year for her.  One of many traditions we will share together as a family. I love family traditions :)  I can't wait for Kennedy to be old enough to enjoy them!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

An evening with G&G

Today K and I spent part of the day at my parents house helping to get ready for our early family Christmas by setting up and decorating the Christmas tree.  We are so fortunate to live close to my parents (3kms away) and see them on a regular basis.  K was a pretty happy girl, giving smiles and a few laughs with her grandma and grandpa.  I'm so glad she gets to see them as often as we do and that they get to spend so much time with their granddaughter.

Then tonight I was out for dinner celebrating my sister-in-law's birthday.  With my hubby working night shift, we enlisted the help of Grandma and Grandpa to babysit while I was away. 

I was on my second glass of wine, and had just pushed my plate away, looking forward to the leftovers that I would have in my fridge to eat tomorrow.  It was a great meal and I was enjoying chatting with the wonderful ladies.  Then my cell rang.  Although I couldn't hear it in the background, there was apparently some major crying going on at home.  Could I come home? 

I had carpooled with my sister, so I stole her keys and hit the road - trying to get home quickly to soothe the babe and give relief to the grandparents who I know felt bad for calling.  I pulled in the driveway, and flew in the house, only to be "shushed" by my mother.  The babe was in my dad's arms, fast asleep as he paced the floor singing Jingle Bells.

Hopefully they all make up the next time they see eachother.  I'm sure it won't be hard to forgive and forget about their little "disagreement". 

Friday, 18 November 2011

Skype Dates

Each day, I swear she is doing something new and it blows my mind how quickly the past seven and a half months have flown by.  Our new "fun" thing is to attempt to stand on our own.  With mommy or daddy sitting close by to catch the fall, we laugh and smile and laugh and smile.  It's like she knows that what she is doing is such a big deal! 

With the time flying by, it was also very exciting to have our first skype date last night with K's uncle who is currently living overseas.  Although it has only been 2 months since he has been gone, I'm sure he noticed last night all of the changes that have happened in her.  Our little lady did some babbling in front of the computer and was amazed that the computer was actually talking back, waving, and smiling at her.  We are so fortunate to have this great piece of technology to bring us closer together, even though we are miles apart. 

Monday, 7 November 2011

A night away....

We are gearing up for a big wedding this weekend that will take us 2 1/2 hours away from home.  I'm so excited to share this special day with my cousin and his beautiful bride-to-be and the rest of my amazing family.  My dad has a big family, so our get togethers are always lots of fun when everybody gets together.  Unfortunately, it doesn't happen often enough.  But what better excuse than a wedding.

As much as I am looking forward to it, I am also dreading the night.  This will be the first time I leave my baby girl for the night.  She will be almost 7 1/2 months by the time we go, and I am nervous.  I know that I shouldn't worry as we are leaving her in great hands.  Her grandma is coming and staying at our house to keep her in a familiar environment and so we don't have to pack up house and home to leave her for..... 24 hours.  Eek.  That seems like such a long time.

I worry that she will wake up in the night and wonder why I'm not there.  I worry that she will not take a bottle well.  I worry that she will cry all night long and that she and grandma won't get much sleep.  I worry that I will miss her like crazy and not enjoy myself at the wedding.  I worry that if she needs us, we will be so far away and it will take us too long to get back.  But mostly, I worry that she will be scared when I don't come back after a few hours... and she will think that I am not coming back.

I still have a few days to prepare.  Wish me luck.  Wish HER luck.  Wish us all luck!  I am sure things will be okay, and everyone will have a great night!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

7 months

My little lady turned 7 months old on Halloween.  Our Tinkerbell enjoyed touring around to show off her outfit to the grandparents, and then got so tuckered out, she feel asleep in the car.  What a fun night!

Two days ago, we had another exciting event when another of my best friends welcomed a new baby boy into the world. Off we went yesterday, to the hospital to meet the little man with a head full of dark hair.  Another potential boyfriend for Kennedy - or perhaps just another bodyguard!  How exciting to be able to share mommy-hood with friends.  I look forward to the upcoming weeks and months when we are off on maternity leave together, and for the years ahead when our kids grow up together. 

Sunday, 23 October 2011

All the firsts

I'm the type of person that likes to take a lot of pictures.  In one day, I can easily take a hundred or more pictures.  Often taking twenty or more pictures of the same pose, just to get the perfect shot.  My husband often teases me that if I don't take a picture of it, then it must not have happened.

I love to have pictures surrounding me in my home, I love posting pictures on facebook to share with friends and family who may also enjoy them, and I love going through them on my computer when I am reflecting on past events.  I like to think that I can take good pictures.  I enjoy playing with the camera, the angles, the subjects, creating different poses, and getting that perfect picture.  However this translates to thousands (and I mean thousands) or pictures saved on my computer.  I am absolutely terrified of losing them all or having my computer crash, so I try to get them backed up on something else.  This is an area that I really should be more organized in.  These pictures are so precious to me that I should take better care.  Suggestions of photo organization welcome!

Now that Kennedy is here, I don't even bother putting the camera away.  It must be handy for those unexpected moments that must be captured because they are just so darn cute.  This includes all of her firsts.  I take pictures of everything she does for the first time.  The first time she had a blow-out in her diaper, I took a picture cause daddy wasn't there, and it was something that I thought he must see. The first time she rolled over - I missed the actual shot, but ran and got the camera and have a photo of her laying on her back.  At least *I* know that she had just rolled over before I took the picture.  The first time at the cottage.  The first time eating food.  The first "craft" she made.....and the list goes on.  Here is a picture of her first time at the park - and her first time on the swing and slide. 

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

You're not okay

I have a little lady who likes to cuddle and snuggle with her mommy, and I love it.  I love when she is laying in my arms, or beside me in bed and she softly strokes my hand just to know that I'm still there.  I love when she finishes nursing and she looks up and me with her eyes half closed and her adorable milky grin.  I love when she bursts out in a giggle when I surprise her with a funny noise or doing a crazy dance.  I love when a smile spreads across her face when she sees her daddy for the first time when he comes into the room after being away at work for the day.  I love when she grabs her bare toes and sticks them in her mouth when I'm in the middle of changing her diaper.  I even love when she starts to whimper, even though I know that really and truly nothing is wrong - and as soon as I scoop her up, she starts to smile like she was playing a trick on me.

But then comes the time when she's in a full.out.cry.  And I don't love it.  I feel helpless. I feel sad. I feel guilty. I feel frustrated when I can't calm her instantly. I feel overwhelmed at times.  I feel a lot of not good feelings.  I instantly start doing "the bounce" or rocking her while shushing in her ear, or singing to her softly.  I try the soother, or try calming her by letting her suck my finger.  I just want the happy baby back and the crying to go away.  What I also find myself doing is saying "you're okay" as the tears are rolling down her cheek, and I am patting her bum, pacing the floor, and humming quietly. 

"You're okay"  is a phrase that I find myself saying and then wondering why the heck I say it.  If she was okay, then she wouldn't be crying.  Seems to be common sense, but for some reason it's something that I repeatedly say. I'm the type of person who preaches to my students that you must learn from your mistakes - but am I?  If Kennedy really understands all the things I say, I wonder what she is thinking when she is miserable and upset and her mom is telling her that she is okay.  Obviously something is wrong and mommy is taking too long to help fix it. She doesn't feel okay. So from now on, I'm going to try to do a lot less "you're okays" and more of all the other wonderful things that makes K happy.

Monday, 17 October 2011

First official date

Today marks Kennedy's "first official date" as she went out on the town this afternoon to see her first movie.  The little lady was lucky enough to be accompanied by not one, but two handsome little men.  And the over protective mothers tagged along as chaperone's.

We had a fun afternoon, driving to the next town to see the new release of the movie "Footloose".  It was a mommy and tot viewing where all the mom's got to take their babes and watch the matinee movie in a stress free environment.  No worries about having to keep the babe quiet.  We were able to rock the strollers, walk the babies around, feed them, change them, hold them, and play while watching a movie.  What fun! 

I can't wait until Kennedy goes on her next supervised date! 

Friday, 14 October 2011

A wet day

This afternoon turned out to be a wet and dreary day...  aka the perfect day to curl up on the couch, with a sleeping girl in my arms, catching up on some of my PVR'd shows.  I know that a day will come when I say to myself that I didn't sit down and enjoy cuddling with Kennedy enough, so I try to take the opportunities when I can.  Is it spoiling her, holding her like that?  Not in my opinion.  Not when she has an eye that keeps running, and two new teeth coming in.  Who am I kidding... I'd probably still hold her while she napped even if she wasn't teething.  A perfect chance to cuddle up on a quiet afternoon after a very busy long weekend. 

We were fortunate enough to spend Thanksgiving with friends and family and did a lot of visiting as well.  Our family went back to the home farm and had our last family pictures taken there.  So strange to be back there with all the changes that have happened since my parents moved off the farm.  I know that Kennedy will miss out on a lot of things that I got to do while growing up as a farm girl, but we will have to work at it to make sure she still has these experiences, only at a different place. 

We had our own little photo shoot by setting up the camera on the tripod, and taking a bazillion pictures, with the hopes that one would be a great shot with three young kids.  We ended up with lots of great pics and of course, I have to share a couple!

Friday, 7 October 2011

Is that what I think it is?

So this past weekend the three of us made a trip to "the big city" to go to IKEA.  Evan had never been before, so I was a little nervous if he'd love it or hate it.  I think it was a bit overwhelming, but I also know that I will be able to take him back.

While shopping, we chose not to take the big clunky stroller in as she had been in the car seat the whole drive there.  So instead we had her in the snugli for a bit, carried her for a bit, and also let her sit in the shopping cart for.the.first.time (ahhh, another milestone!).  After about 3 hours of shopping (yes, it was a long day at IKEA), I was playing around with K, and thought I saw a little slit in her gums.  Is that what I think it is? A tooth? I thought so, but daddy had a hard time seeing it.  She had been good as gold that day with no 'signs' of teething, but I was sure that I had seen something.  Sure enough, about two days later I could feel a little sharp point on her bottom gum.

And teething has begun!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Splish Splash!

Kennedy loves the water!  I should correct that.... Kennedy loves warm water as we do not love the lake as much as we love the bath and the pool.

She is now sitting up in the tub and enjoys playing with her bath toys.  It's so entertaining to watch her reach for her toys and see her reaction when they float away from her as she is still learning to grab onto things.  She has always loved her bath and doesn't fuss when she gets her hair washed or water on her face. 

Kennedy and mommy at swimming lessons

We have also recently started mom and tot swimming lessons.  These classes are really just getting the baby exposed to the water, but I really think she does enjoy it.  She has lots of other baby friends in the class (so it's a great social time for the mamas), but we are learning new things.  Yesterday she was dunked under the water three times by her mother (mean of me or good for her?  I'm going with good for her as we might as well start young so she gets used to it).   We live so close to the lake and visit the cottage often in the summer so I want her to be comfortable around water. Might as well start early! :) 

Monday, 3 October 2011

6 months old

My little girl.

You are getting so big now and we love watching as you explore the world around you.  The other day you turned six months old and we had a little party with great grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.  You were dressed (for awhile), in the prettiest little dress that ruffled all around you as you sat up, smiling at everyone.  You enjoyed eating the dress more than your toys, which wasn't surprising as you like to put absolutely everything in your mouth right now.  Whether it is a toy, book, someone's finger or your bib, you are chewing and sucking on it all. 

Now that you can sit up (and mommy doesn't have to worry too much about you falling over), you reach and grab for objects and play contentedly on the floor.  You also love to spend time in your jumperoo.  We joke that we could leave you in there for hours at a time, and I swear that you would be happy to jump around.  Recently you've also been interested at looking at yourself in the mirror.  Not surprinsingly, when we sit you infront of the full length mirror you try to eat yourself as you put your lips up to the cold mirror and bang your hands against it.  As it is now turning to fall, you are also interested in watching the leaves blow in the trees and stare off out the window whenever you get a chance.  We love watching you explore.

When we lay in bed together and you are falling asleep or just waking, you love to rub our faces with your hands or lightly stroke our hands with yours.  I think it is your way of knowing that we are still close.  Lately at night, you have been sleeping in our bed again, but it allows everyone to get more sleep.  You like to stand or sit on our laps when you are awake, and grab our faces and try to kiss us (some may think you are trying to eat us, but we'll call it a kiss).  We love your wet kisses!

Another exciting thing that has happened is your recent ear piercing.  After great conversation between your daddy and I, we decided to get your ears pierced and you were an angel having them done.  They look super cute and you haven't really noticed that they are there yet.  When we turn and clean them, you keep that big, drooly smile on your face! 

Your laughter brings us so much joy.  Daddy can really get you laughing when he nuzzles into your neck and belly.  You giggle when we make funny noises and faces at you and the sound that comes out of you is like music to our ears.  Mommy tickles your tummy with her hands and that also gets big laughs from you.  I look forward to a lifetime of hearing those giggles!
eating your party dress :)

your new bling!

sitting in your party chair

the family came for dinner!

you and Easton even got half a cake (for turning half a year old!)

eating yourself in the mirror :)

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Fall Fair time

One of my favourite days of the year has come and gone already.   This year I got to share the special tradition with my little lady for the first time.  Kennedy attended her first Fall Fair. 

It's always exciting to go and see the big parade.  Always standing in the same location with grandparents, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, cousins, and nephews.  We watch the floats go by, waving to those we know and then spend the next few hours walking around the midway, seeing the exhibits, eating the goods (always the fries!), checking out the car show, browsing by the animals, and stopping a bazillion times to say hello to friends. 

We rudely woke Kennedy up after she had only been napping for five minutes, when we realized she desperately needed a change (a major blow out - it was gross and there was no way we could leave her in those pants for the next hour of sleep).  So fortunately, she was able to watch her first parade.  She was very observant listening to the music and seeing all the people go by, but was soon tuckered out and fell back asleep as daddy and I pushed her around the fairgrounds.

Kennedy also got her first experience joining us at the Ripley Legion - another yearly tradition for the adults! 

Can't wait until she's old enough to interact with the animals, squeal with delight on the rides, make little cookies and crafts to enter in the fair, ride on floats with the school, and all of the rest of the fun at the Fair.

Friday, 23 September 2011

First foods

So last night was the night we decided that Kennedy was ready to try food for the first time.  I have been doing a lot of reading on BLW and watching videos online and although I was nervous to try it, we gave it a go with some avocados.  The avocado I gave K was pretty ripe, so she was getting it all between her fingers and on her hands.  It was so slippery she had a hard time getting it up off the tray, and dropped it quite a few times, but she did manage to get it in her mouth too.

Unfortunately, mommy got really nervous when she started to gag.  Of course I had the camera snapping pictures and was switching with the video camera to catch these precious moments on film.  It took a lot for me to sit back and let her explore, but when she started going red and gagging, I told Evan that *I* wasn't ready for this.... so instead....

I put her avocado in one of these net things for her to gum and chew.  She likes having frozen grapes in them, so I thought this would be a great opportunity for her to explore the new taste.  Unfortunately, she didn't "get it" and just banged this on her tray.  Time for attempt #3....

The mashed up avocado mixed with her personal favourite bm.  This was quite tasty to the little lady as she moved it around in her mouth and swallowed some.  This picture was taken shortly after she vomited. At least Evan and I were prepared for that, and had a little laugh (at her expense I know). 

So the first food is officially past us.  We will try again today when daddy gets home from work and see how she likes it again today. 

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Who does she look like?

Since Kennedy was born, I always have people telling me that she looks like her father

Rarely, do I hear that she looks like me

I like hearing that she looks like her beautiful self

(maybe with a pinch of both of us)

It came, and I'm sad

It came yesterday, and I'm sad. 

I remember being a little girl and going through the Sears catalogues looking at baby stuff and picking out all of the things that I would want to buy when I had a baby of my own.  Well yesterday one of those things arrived by Purolator and Evan set it up before supper so we could give it a trial run.  Laying in bed last night I told Evan that I was sad that "it" had arrived.  Just another step to show that our little lady is growing up.  Far to fast if you ask me.

Here "it" is... and she loves it

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Stateside shopping

So yesterday morning, the hubby and I packed up the babe and headed stateside to do some serious shopping.  Our goal for the trip: to buy some sort of highchair for the little lady as she will *soon* be starting solid foods.

After an amazing drive down (I say amazing because I got to sit in the front seat as the hubby drove because the baby slept nearly the whole way!  This is double amazing because a) she usually hates the car and b) she doesn't usually nap longer than 40 minutes at a time) we arrived at our destination and started swiping the VISA card.  Not too surprising was the fact that the little lady was on the receiving end of most of the purchases.  There were just so many things that she really and truly needed.  Like an adorable Halloween sleeper.  Oh and a two piece Christmas outfit.  Oh ya, and those bath toys.... (the list goes on.... can you tell she has us wrapped around our finger already?  What will it be like shopping with her once she can actually ASK for things).  I think that the two highlights of the purchases for me was the super cute and adorable, fluffy white winter sleeper and white hat (will I be able to keep those clean?) and the SUPER adorable Tinkerbell Halloween outfit.  I think that my husband will say that everything I saw in the states was super adorable - but really, baby girl stuff is just so.darn.adorable.

Won't she look super adorable?

I must say that we did hit up some really good sales. And yes, the hubby and I did get some things for ourselves.  SOMEHOW though, we managed to make it home without a high chair.  But don't you fret..... I ordered one today online!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Before my very own eyes

My little girl is growing up before my very own eyes. 

Each day is something new and it amazes me to watch her grow, develop, babble, sleep, stare, drool.... you name it, I love watching it.  I can now relate to others who say it is difficult to get things done when you have a baby. I really can't use the excuse that my baby is a high needs baby and requires all of my attention.  She is happy to sit in her jolly jumper, lay under the trees outside, suck on a toy, or talk to herself while I am busy doing things around the house.  But my problem is that I hate leaving her to do these things.  I'd much rather sit beside her and talk to her as she jumps in her jolly jumper, lays under a tree outside, sucks on a toy, and talks to herself.  I don't want to miss a single thing.  She really is growing up too fast.

Tomorrow she will "officially" be 5 1/2 months old and I can't am shocked that all this time has passed already.  It seems like a lifetime ago that I was pregnant but yet it is hard to believe that at the end of the month she will be half of a year old! 

Today, she grew up before my eyes yet again.  She started sitting on her own.  I swear that this happened overnight. Although she is a bit unsteady at times, and falls to the side or backwards (and sometimes on her face) I am still counting this as sitting!  Her dad is going to be amazed when he gets home from work this afternoon.  I can't wait to share this with him and let him see it with his own eyes. 

Monday, 12 September 2011

Mommy friends

Yesterday I wrote a post about my fabulous friends from high school and university.  Now today I must celebrate my new Mommy Friends!

How amazing to be able to sit in a room full of other mom's at our LLL meetings and feel so comfortable to share thoughts/concerns/fears/feelings/and celebrations. I often wonder what mommy-life would be like without these ladies in my life.  They have been there for me since before the little lady was born, and I took their advice and personal experiences to heart.  Now with a five month old baby girl I am able to share some of my own advice and experiences with them as well.  These women have become a very important part of my life and I am happy that I can call them friends.

I also think it's SO great for Kennedy to meet her own young friends as many of these babies are around the same age as she is and many of them will go to school together.  Today, she and another young babe laid on a blanket together and she tried to eat his hand --- a budding romance I'm sure!

Life on mat leave is amazing - we attend LLL meetings with our wee ones and have so much fun that we then go out for lunch together..... I guess it might be time for me to get some housework done as I have been off playing all day long with my little lady and our new friends.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

9 years ago

The other day I got a text from my dorm room roommate from first year.  Her text simply said that we met nine years ago today.  :)  She remembers the first day she moved into residence, and she and her dad passed a girl in the hall.  After looking up, smiling, and saying hello to the girl and her parents, they continued on down the hall as her father said "now those are true farmers".   A few minutes later, in her dorm room she realized that the girl she passed in the hall was me!  How did we get so lucky to room together for first year and to have so many similarities in our upbringing, our home life, and our interests?

Then this past weekend, two of the other girls that we lived with in residence came up to visit and to meet my baby girl for the first time.  We were reflecting on 9 years ago and it really made me miss my uni days.

I was fortunate enough to have a fabulous university experience, and I attribute most of that to the group of friends that I had while away at school.  Not only was I lucky enough to have some of my best friends from high school attend the same university, but I also met an amazing group of ladies in residence who I lived with for two subsequent years in a house. 

I remember when planning for second year, having to make the difficult decision to either live with my girls from home, or take a leap and live with new friends that I had met.  After much deliberation, I chose to live with the new girls.  I knew that my high school friends would always be my friends as they had been for years and we were all from the same home town.  But I also realized that you need to put time and effort into new friendships to continue building a foundation for a life long friendship. 

So many years later, I can say how happy I am that I made that decision.  For two years, I lived in a home with 8 girls.  Crazy, I know.  But we loved it.  We had many late night chats, "family meals", road trips, study dates, did pranks on each other, watched Family Feud together, shared childhood stories, hosted parties, and the list goes on....

Who would have thought that this group of girls would be able to keep in touch.  With two girls moving out of province, and one of our girls a long drive away, it leaves four of us who are within a 3 hour drive.  We try to get together as often as we can.  Having a couple of reunions each year, we try to get whoever we can under the same roof.  Of course, with three weddings under our belt, that is an instant excuse for bachelorette parties, showers, and wedding celebrations.

One night last summer I was together with my first year roommate (my bridesmaid and one of my best friends), and after a bit of confusion, and a lot of laughs, we realized that we were both pregnant - and only 6 weeks apart.  How amazing to be able to share something like that with a close friend.  We now both have beautiful little girls, and we often talk about then growing up together as great friends - just like their moms.

I feel so lucky and fortunate to have met these wonderful ladies nine years ago.  When you combine them with my friends from home, I feel like my cup overflows. 

Yet another reason she lived happily ever after.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

How can I forget?

Throughout my pregnancy, and in the first few weeks after Kennedy's birth, I remember people telling me things that I would shake my head at.  For example, they would say "Oh, they grow so fast" and "I can't remember when mine were that small".  I would think to myself, come on people - it was your first born child, how can you simply forget how small they were?  It's such an amazing time in your life, it can't just disappear from your memory.

Fast forward to this past Friday.  One of my best friends had a beautiful baby boy and off we drove to the big city to see him for the first time.  He was only 15 hours old when I got to hold him for the first time (which selfishly, I asked to hold him first as I knew that K would need a feed *soon* - sorry M.A.) As he was placed in my arms, weighing a mere 7lbs 7oz, he felt like a preemie!  Now, I know that a 7lb 7oz baby is a good sized baby but I heard myself saying one of those things that people said to me "Mine was never that small".  Kennedy was 8obs 1 oz at the time of her birth and although she did drop a little weight in the days after, she was always above Colton's weight.  Now I found myself thinking that I truly did not remember when she was that small.  Jeez Louise.  The comments that I found so ridiculous from people only months before were now coming out of my mouth only 5 months after my little girl was born.  You really do forget!  Can it be blamed on mommy brain? (which really does exist.  I tell my husband all the time.  Preggo brain aka "forget things that you should remember brain", does turn into mommy brain.  And mommy brain is also "forget what you should remember brain".... I hear it lasts forever and never goes away - sorry Evan).

These comments came back to me again today as I finally started to put the 300 pictures I have had printed of Kennedy into a photo album.  As I placed them into the album and wrote comments in the margins, I really and truly thought to myself that I could not remember when she was that small.   Thank goodness for digital cameras and video cameras.  I'm afraid if I don't capture it on film or video, I may just forget.

Now I wonder if I will turn into one of them.  One of those people who says "I can't remember when Kennedy was that small"..... Gosh, I hope that I don't become annoying like that.  The next thing I know, I will tell pregnant women to sleep while they can.  Like you can bank up your good nights sleep.  Sheesh.

Colton and Kennedy (a picture to help me remember their size!)

Thursday, 1 September 2011

A full life

Amazingly, people read my first post so now I guess it's time for posting #2. 

But what to write about?  Do I write just for the sake of writing or do I wait until I have something really meaningful to say?  For those who know me, I like to talk.  So I think I'll just start to babble and attempt to do a few of these "blogger tricks" like attaching a picture or something crazy like that!  I'm wild, I know. 

I'll start with a simple explanation of my blog's name: She Lived Happily Ever After.  I'm a happy person.  I like to smile and I like to be surrounded by happy people. I like to read books that have happy endings.  I love watching girly movies that end exactly the way you want it to.  I really have a great life and few things to complain about.  I have a wonderful, supportive husband, a caring family, an amazing group of friends, a job which I love, a comfortable home, and most importantly - a beautiful, healthy, baby girl.  I am currently living my happily ever after. My blog's name also has a bit of a double meaning as I know there will be many, many, many posts about my precious baby girl.  My hopes and dreams for her is that she lives her own happily ever after.  I think if you're a happy person, then you're living a full life.  My life is full!

My happily ever after :)

A little nervous

I'm a little nervous.  This is my first blog and my first post.  Will people actually read it?  Do they care?  At a recent LLL meeting, I was sharing with friends that I enjoyed reading thier blogs.  "Do you have one?" a friend asked.  After my response of no, she continued by asking "Why not?".  Hmmm good question.  Why don't I start a blog.  I love reading others.  It's a great way to peek inside the lives of friends, other mothers, and sometimes people I don't even know to get inspiration, hear stories of other mothers, get a little giggle, keep up with friends, and realize that I'm not alone in some of the things that are happening in my life.

But still, I am nervous.  Will I be able to keep up with blog posts so that weeks don't pass without writing anything.  There aleady seems to not be enough hours in a day to get all the things done that I want to.  Will blogging take over my life and take away time spent with my little girl, cleaning the house, socializing with friends, spending time with my hubby and all of the others chapters in my life?

This blog thing makes me nervous. Will I embarass myself by writing something that I will later regret?  That people will think is stupid or boring?  How do bloggers write to keep the interest of their readers?  Do I even care if others read this or is it just a personal journal for myself to help record all the memories and fun times we are having with our young daughter?

So many makes me nervous.... but wish me luck as I take on this new adventure!